
Sunday, April 14, 2013

The Google AdSense Handbook - $2.00

The Google AdSense Handbook
Making money by adding Google AdSense ads to your

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction 4
1.1 So Just What is Google Adsense? 5
1.2 What Can it do for Me? 8
1.3 What Kinds of Ads Will I Get on My Site? 12
1.4 How do I Get Started? 14
1.5 What are Users Saying about AdSense? 15
1.6 Am I Going to Make a Lot of Money Off of This? 17
Chapter 2: Building Content-Rich Sites 20
2.1 What are Content-Rich Sites and Why Have One? 21
2.2 How Do I Build One? 25
2.3 What Kind of Content Should I Put Up? 27
2.4 Sample Google AdSense pages—real sites 36
Chapter 3: SEO—Search Engine Optimization 39
3.1 Things to Consider 41
3.2 Likes and dislikes of Googlebots 46
Chapter 4: About Specific Keyword Density Ranges 50
4.1 Do-it-Yourself SEO 55
Chapter 5: About Extreme Content Sites 60
Chapter 6: Using Traffic Equalizer 63
6.1 Using Traffic Equalizer 64
6.2 Google’s Guidelines 67
Chapter 7: Using Traffic Hurricane 68
Chapter 8: MetaWebs 72
Chapter 9: Additional Web Page Creation Software 77
The Google Adsense Empire Handbook
Page of 114
9.1 Directory Generator 78
9.2 Traffic TurboCharger 82
Chapter 10: The Eyes Have it—So Where are They? 85
10.1 Frontloading 86
10.2 Don’t Nest, Just List 87
10.3 Put web links where people will see them 88
10.4 Never Hide Headers 89
Chapter 11: Building a Virtual Content Empire
to Display Ads On 93
11.1 Blogging 95
11.2 Blog and Ping—not just funny names 99
Chapter 12: Using RSS Feeds for Content 101
12.1 How do I start using RSS feeds? 102
Chapter 13: Summing Up

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